Mobile Apps

N Pass

A password management app

Store passwords, notes, and more inside an encrypted DB protected with a master password.

Languages / Frameworks : Flutter, Dart, Kotlin

Packages : Encrypt, Crypto, Riverpod, Freezed

Database : ObjectBox DB, Flutter secure storage

Architecture : Clean architecture

UI : Figma, Inkscape

Other : Git, GitHub

Platform : Android

Screenshots of the project

Sudoku Unlimited

Sudoku board game app

Auto generate sudoku puzzles based on 4 difficult levels. Store puzzle winning times, snapshots of the puzzle state.

Languages / Frameworks : Android, Java, XML

Packages : Compact, CardView

Database : RoomDB

Architecture : MVC

Other : Git, GitHub

Platform : Android

Screenshots of the project
Web Apps

Developer portfolio V4.0

My portfolio version 4

Details about my projects, work experiences, and contact info

Languages / Frameworks : Svelte Kit, Svelte, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Packages : Tailwind CSS, PostCSS, Daisy UI, Sanity client

Database : Sanity CMS

Hosting : CloudFlare pages

UI : Figma, Inkscape

Other : Git, GitHub, CICD

Platform : Web

Screenshots of the project

N Pass ( Landing Page )

Landing page for N Pass app

Show details about the app and links to download from.

Languages/Frmeworks : NextJS, TypeScript

Packages : Tailwind CSS, PostCSS

Hosting : CloudFlare pages

UI : Figma, Inkscape

Other : Git, GitHub, CICD

Screenshots of the project

Developer portfolio V2.0

My portfolio version 2

Details about My techstack, Work experiences, Work projects, and My projects.

Languages / Frameworks : Svelte Kit, Svelte, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Packages : Tailwind CSS, PostCSS, Daisy UI, Marked

Database : GraphQL

Hosting : CloudFlare pages

UI : Inkscape

Other : Git, GitHub, CICD

Platform : Web

Screenshots of the project

Developer portfolio V1.0

My portfolio version 1

Separated sections for My techstack, My work , Contact me with links to appropriate sites.

Languages/Frmeworks : Flutter, Dart, HTML, CSS

Packages : Firebase analytics, Freezed, Riverpod, Shared preferences

Hosting : Firebase hosting

Other : Git, GitHub, CICD

Screenshots of the project

Formatted Text

A text styling package for flutter

Format text like WhatsApp styles ( Bold, Italic, Underline). It supports custom styles. The package includes a Text View, a Text Editing Controller, and a Text Selection Handle. Support flutter_hooks with another separate package.

Languages / Frameworks : Flutter, Dart

Dependencies : Equatable, Flutter hooks

Target SDKs : Flutter

Target Platforms : Android, iOS, Linux. MacOS, Web, Windows

Packages : formatted_text, formatted_text_hooks

Other : Git, GitHub

Country IP

Find users’ country from IP

Find users' country (and nothing else) from their IP. This package is based on

Languages/Frmeworks : Dart

Dependencies : http

Target SDKs : Dart, Flutter

Target Platforms : Android, iOS, Linux. MacOS, Web, Windows

Package : country_ip

Other : Git, GitHub


Bitcoin price checker

Fresh framework demo site

Bitcoin price checker demo site using Deno & Fresh framework

Languages / Frameworks : Deno, Fresh, TypeScript

Packages : Tailwind CSS

Hosting : Deno deploy

Other : Git, GitHub

Dart Fullstack

Dart full stack project with flutter client, websocket, redis & docker

Fullstack application using Dart for both server and frondend client. Save value in Redis hosted in a Docker container.

Languages / Frameworks : Dart, Flutter

Packages : Shelf, Shelf_web_socket, Web_socket_channel, Redis

Database : Redis

Other : Docker, Git, GitHub

Dart code sharing

A code sharing project with a Flutter client and a Dart server & postgres SQL

Dart code sharing project to demonstrate a Flutter client & a Dart server sharing same code through shared packages.

Languages / Frameworks : Dart, Flutter

Packages : Stormberry, Postgres, Dart_frog

Database : Postgres

Other : Docker, Git, GitHub